About the Program
The Northeast Heritage Economy Program (NHEP) is a collaborative initiative of Maine Preservation, the Preservation League of New York State, New Hampshire Preservation Alliance, and the Preservation Trust of Vermont. This grant program is funded with a $1,000,000 grant from the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) through their Regional Forest Economy Partnership program. The funds for this program, and all NBRC programs, are available thanks to the support of the Congressional Delegations of all four NBRC states: Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont.
The NHEP provides grants to community-driven preservation projects to address the negative economic shift produced by the decline of the forest products industry in the rural areas of the Northern Border Regional Commission region (Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont). Studies show that historic preservation investment supports small business and good-paying labor jobs, improves property values, keeps money circulating in local economies, catalyzes additional investment, and increases community pride.
2020 Grant Awards
Read the News Release Announcing the Awards
In April, Maine Preservation announced Maine’s Northeast Heritage Economy Progam awardees. Efforts to revitalize five historic buildings and uplift their communities’ economies in Dover-Foxcroft, Lille, Thorndike, and Belfast will get a boost thanks to the Northeast Heritage Economy Program grant awards. The funds for this program, and all NBRC programs, are available thanks to the support of the Congressional Delegations of all four NBRC states: Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont.
Read on to view a video from News Center Maine about the grants and see all of the awardees.
News Center Maine Coverage of the Grant Program, April 10, 2020
tHE Awardees
Center Theatre for the performing arts, Dover-Foxcroft
Center Theatre, Dover-Foxcroft
The Center Theatre, Inc. will receive $30,538 to support the creation of a second screen theatre at the Center Theatre, substantially increasing its outreach.
Learn more about the Center Theatre for the Perfoming Arts.
The Center Theatre’s executive director, Patrick Myers, talks about how they’ll use their grant to grow their community impact in the short video below.
Musée CUlturel du Mont-Carmel, Lille
Musée Culturel du Mont-Carmel, Lille
L’Association Culturelle et Historique du Mont-Carmel will receive $78,480 for restoration of frescoed plaster and repairing the roof and sills of the Musée Culturel du Mont-Carmel. The Musée is on Maine Preservation’s Most Endangered Historic Places list as an especially important historic building. This work will provide for expanded visitation and use of the building.
Learn more about the Musée Culturel du Mont-Carmel.
The team provides a quick overview of their project below.
The Commons at Central Hall, Dover-Foxcroft
The Commons at Central Hall, Dover-Foxcroft
The Maine Highlands Senior Center will receive $17,582 to assist in its build out of the first floor of The Commons at Central Hall allowing it to expand its services to the community.
The Farwell Project, Thorndike
The Farwell Project, Thorndike
Timelines Community, Inc. (Thorndike), will receive $80,000 for rehabilitation, including foundation, drainage, sills, joists, subflooring, and chimney work, in order to reopen the Thorndike Village General Store as a multi-use facility.
The Belfast Maskers, Belfast
Belfast Maskers Theatre, Belfast
The Belfast Maskers will receive $23,400 for heating and cooling and bathroom improvements at the former First Universalist Church, which will expand the use of its theatre facility throughout the year.